The List of top 10 most affected countries from coronavirus according to the report of WHO (World Health Organization) are:-
विश्व में संक्रमित | पुष्टि | स्वस्थ होनेवाले | लोगों की मृत्यु |
USA | 792,938 | 72,389 | 42,518 |
Spain | 200,210 | 80,587 | 20,852 |
Italy | 181,228 | 48,877 | 24,114 |
France | 155,383 | 37,409 | 20,265 |
Germany | 147,065 | 95,200 | 4,862 |
UK | 124,743 | NA | 16,509 |
Turkey | 90,980 | 13,430 | 2,140 |
Iran | 83,505 | 59,273 | 5,209 |
China | 82,758 | 77,123 | 4,632 |
Russia | 52,763 | 3,873 | 456 |
Last Update on 21 April 2020, 08:37am.
Total affected from Coronavirus
The List of total affected from coronavirus in world, total deaths in world & total recovered in world.
विश्व में संक्रमित | कुल पुष्टि:- 2,490,516 | कुल लोगों की मृत्यु:- 170,590 | कुल स्वस्थ होनेवाले:- 653,577 |
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